Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pass It On

Hey, everyone! I know it's been awhile since I've updated my blog and that's due to school, working, and my lack of ample time management abilities. Anyway, my plan now is to update whenever I get the urge instead of every Saturday. That way, I can keep the blog fresh and interesting and fun for me and fun for my readers.

I kept telling myself that I would get back to my blog and update it, but that never happened and it just became a project I was extremely passionate about that went on to become neglected. However, I received a huge blessing and a lot of encouragement recently that not only re-inspired me to start actively blogging again, it inspired this post as well.

Blessings from God are amazing. They come just when you least expect them and they feel amazing when you receive them. There are many, many people out there in the world who could use a blessing and some serious love. There's so much sadness and wickedness in the world that a blessing and a little love will go a very long way, and here's what I want to leave all of you with: when you receive a blessing, pass it on in any way you can. Just think of all the good that could come out of passing on a blessing! I've always believed that blessings were never meant for one person, but that they were meant to be shared. I've never been fond of New Years' resolutions, but I'm resolving to share the blessings that I am given and to bless others whenever possible. Hopefully, through this, I hope this blesses all of you in some way.

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