Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bacon: God's Other Gift

Let me just say this: I'm a meat kind of guy. There's just something about a hearty steak, pork chop, or barbecue sauce-slathered ribs that equates to sheer euphoria. But there's one meat in particular that beats out all other meats and foods and completely closes the argument of the existence of God; that meat, friends is bacon.

 Bacon is amazing; no, it can't file your taxes, but that's okay. Bacon is probably the one food that can go with any other food AND make it better. Bacon alone is phenomenal; throw it some grits (that's good make-you-want-to-holler-Jesus Southern food)and you've got a party. Throw some bacon bits on a salad and you've got a way to make any carnivore eat a green vegetable (see, it can work miracles, too). Burger King even has a new dessert item called the Bacon Sundae. However, Wendy's completely floored me when they came out with the Baconator, a sandwich with SIX pieces of divine pleasure on one sandwich. I recall looking irony into one for the first time and Etta James' song At Last playing in my head due to the sheer extascy.

 A food that good could have only come from the table of the Most High himself. Here's how I picture the first creation of bacon:

 God is sitting on His throne when he calls a few of his angels over to him.

 Angels - Yes, how may we serve, You?

 God - I have given my children much to be thankful for, have I not?

 Angel #1 - Surely! You have given them the Earth and all the creatures in it. You gave them the gift of sex which, I might add, they're still reeling over, and of course you sent them your Son to atone for their sins. 

God - Yes...but I wish to give them something else...especially for the single ones...something to tie them over until marriage.

 God makes a plate of bacon appear

 God - Try this.

 Angel #2 - MMMMM!

 Angel #3 - OH, MY GOODNESS!

 Angel #1 - They're going to love this!

 God chuckles.

 God - well I know.

 Okay, so maybe God didn't create bacon with single people in mind, but hey, as a single guy I'd like to think married people get sex and we get bacon, but I digress. I love being a Christian, I really do. It contains the greatest plan for unconditional love the world will ever know and as a bonus, I get to eat bacon. I couldn't be part of a religion that doesn't let me have meat or as far as Islam goes, pork, and by extension, bacon. I mean, that's just criminal and vegetarians...I'll never understand. Sure, you can say turkey bacon is good and all, but that's just like trying to substitute the love of Christ in your life with something else - it just doesn't work. So while you're living your baconless lives, I'll be at home doing devos every morning, marveling at God's power and awesomeness, thanking Him for His Word and His Son, all the while partaking of my bacon buffet.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's Time To Stand Up! first post! This blog has been a long time coming and I've spent months planning it and trying to figure out the direction I want to take it. This blog is for you - my generation, the Millenials. At first I settled on the title MillenialTalk for the name of this blog but after discussing it with a dear friend of mine, he told me that while appropriately named, Millenial is a bit of a dated term. So I thought some more and I decided on the name, Stand Up!.

Why, you ask? In this day and age, we've come to a point where being recognized as a Christian will usually get you that, "Oh, you're one of them" look. Being recognized as a Christian in the secular world is almost taboo, and we let the world shut us down. Our predecessors have made great strides taking the Gospel of Christ far and wide and we wouldn't be where we are without their work. But it's our turn now; we need to take the torch and continue what they've done. We have the means, resources, and God-given gifts to take the Gospel to every corner of the earth. There's no excuse why my generation - our generation can't take the Gospel to every race, language, and culture that dwells on this planet.

Through this blog, I hope to address a lot of the issues our generation faces today and together, I hope we grow. You're getting as much out of this as I am. As much as I want this to be a compelling blog, I want to have fun, too. Saturdays will be the days I really do the hard-hitting stuff...I guess we can call it Serious Saturday. The point is, Saturdays will be the backbone of this blog; I don't have a specific time I'll post, but I will, so check-in (or subscribe :-D) often. Other days I'll do funny or semi-serious topics (look for a post later on today I'm sure you guys will find hilarious).

We have the means and the gifts to expand the Kingdom of God exponentially, but we as a generation of believers have to stand together in order to do this. Are you ready? Will you stand for Christ?